General requirements:

Scientific article, in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No. 705/1 dated January 15, 2003 “On Increasing Requirements for Professional Editions Included in the Lists of HAC of Ukraine”, should consist of such structural elements:

  • problem statement in general terms and its connection with the important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent research and publications in which the solution of the problem was initiated and the author bases on, the allocation of previously unresolved parts of the general problem, the article is devoted to;
  • formation of article goals (task statement);
  • presentation of the main materials with a full substantiation of received results;
  • conclusions from the research and prospects for further investigation in this area.

Technical requirements:

  • Manuscripts on topical issues of Slavic and foreign philology are accepted in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, French, and Spanish. The journal has such sections as follows: “Ukrainian language and literature”, “Russian language and literature”, “Slavic languages and literature”, “Literature of foreign countries”, “Romance, Germanic and other languages”, “Literary theory”, “Comparative literature”, “General linguistics”, “Comparative-historical, typological linguistics”, “Translation studies”, “Language and mass media”, “Intercultural communication”, “Reviews. Information”.
  • The article volume – 7 – 20 pages.
  • A–4 format, typed in Microsoft Word editor.
  • Fields: upper and bottom – 20 mm, left – 35 mm, right – 15 mm.
  • Text font – Times New Roman, size – 14, space lining – 1,5, paragraph indention – 1,25.
  • The sequence of placement of structural elements in a scientific article:
    1. Indicated in the language of the article:
    •surname, first name, patronymic of the author(s) of the article (no more than two persons);
    • scientific degree, academic rank (if available), position, place of work/study, e-mail;
    •ORCID ID. If you’re not registered in ORCID, you must necessarily create an account by link;
    •abstract and keywords.
    The abstract’s volume: 1800 characters without spaces (250-300 words). The following abstract structure is mandatory: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should be followed by 5-10 keywords or phrases, none of which duplicates the title of the article.

    2. Specified in English:
    • surname, first name, patronymic of the author(s) of the article (no more than two persons);
    • scientific degree, academic rank (if available), position, place of work/study, e-mail;
    • ORCID ID. If you’re not registered in ORCID, you must necessarily create an account by link;
    • abstract and keywords.
    The English abstract’s volume: 1800 characters without spaces (250-300 words). The following abstract structure is mandatory: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should be followed by 5-10 keywords or phrases, none of which duplicates the title of the article.
    3. Article text:
    Introduction is an obligatory part of the work, in which the author points out the novelty of the topic and the relevance of scientific decisions. The purpose of the study should be clearly indicated along with the research tasks. It is necessary to specify the research methodology, the logic of presentation of the investigated material.
    The main text should be divided into content sections with separate headings (up to 4-6 words).
    The article should contain conclusions from the study (Conclusions), which present detailed findings drawn based on the results of the study and the prospects for further research in this direction.
    4. Literature:

  • The bibliographic description of the list of references should be made taking into account  the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”).
  • 5. References:
    It shall be executed in accordance with APA Style Reference Citations. Author (transliteration), the title of the article (transliteration), the title of the article (English translation in square brackets), source name (transliteration), source data (a city in English), a publishing house (transliteration).
    Transliteration of names from the Ukrainian language is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Regulation of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet in Latin” as of 27 January 2010 № 55.
    Transliteration from the Russian language is carried out according to GOST 7.79-2000. The system of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Rules of transliteration of Cyrillic script by Latin alphabet.
    For transliteration from the Ukrainian language, you can use the service and from the Russian –

    Rules for references to literature and bibliographic description:
    References to the literature are given in the text only in round brackets according to the example: (Brekht, 1972).
    If the source page is indicated, it is given through a colon, for example (Amurskyi, 1998: 5–17).

  • The authors submit articles that are exclusively original author’s research and adhere to the rules of citation and references. The submission of knowingly false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. Additionally, articles that were not previously published in other journals are accepted for publication.
  • The editorial staff reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject articles.
  • The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistics and other information.
  • Reprinting (re-publishing) of materials is allowed only with the permission of the author and editorial staff.